Safe RSE lessons for all children
Parents, parliamentarians and community leaders must ensure that RSE lessons protect and prepare children safely
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About RSE Review

Reviewing RSE provision to ensure lessons are 100% safe for children

Teacher - RSE lessons

Children need to receive well-researched and evidenced RSE lessons that will prepare them for the highly sexualised society in which they will be living as adults. 

However, evidence shows that RSE teaching  in some schools has been far from acceptable

RSE Review highlights resources that expose children to explicit sexual content before they have the cognition to understand its context. These lower children’s natural inhibitions and expose them to abuse and possibly grooming

RSE lessons

Department for Education

Latest Guidance

June 2020

A Press Statement on 8th June 2020 announced changes to the implementation of the new RSE Guidelines with important guidance for school on ensuring parents are involved in a robust consultation process on the implementation of RSE.

Secretary of State for Schools Nick Gibb supplemented this in September 2020 by stating that “Schools should ensure also, that when they engage with parents, they provide examples of the resources they plan to use…”

Key Highlights

Transgender ideology

“Materials which suggest that non-conformity to gender stereotypes should be seen as synonymous with having a different gender identity should not be used and you should not work with external agencies or organisations that produce such material.”

Political impartiality

“Your local authority, governing body and headteacher must… secure that where political issues are brought to the attention of pupils, they are offered a balanced presentation of opposing views“.


“Great caution should be exercised before setting any assignment, in class or at home, that involves researching a subject where there is a high risk that a child could accidentally be exposed to age inappropriate material, such as pornography. Particularly at primary level, you should be careful not to expose children to over-sexualised content.

Latest Reports

Protect Children: Make RSE Transparent and Accountable




RSE Petition

Promoting Gender Theory in schools could result in serious long-term harm for children